“Champions are important to volunteerism because the number-one reason people volunteer is that someone asked them”. I am an ICF VA Champion, and our volunteers are the ones who make the commUNITY thrive. If you have the time, I invite you start the conversation by completing the volunteer interest form- Stephanie Brown, PCC-ICF VA Board President.
Ignite is outreach focused and falls under the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Foundation. To understand its impact globally please see the attached ICF Foundations 2022 Social Impact Report.
Pursuant to goals set by the United Nations and the mission of ICF, our chapter is always looking for opportunities to serve non-profit organizations and educational institutions in our Commonwealth.
As you know, the coaching profession promotes helping others become their best version of themselves through asking powerful questions, sharing information, and providing accountability.
We are excited to announce our recent Ignite agreement with Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC). NVCC joins our growing list of nonprofits and educational institutions we partner with.
We are looking for ICF Virginia credentialed coaches (ACC, PCC or MCC) to volunteer.
If you would like to learn more and become a part of our growing Ignite commUNITY of coaches and/or you know of an organization that could benefit from the Ignite initiative here in Virginia let's start the conversation.
Avinash Tripathi, PCC
Community Engagement, Ignite Director