Gay-Lynn Carpenter, PCC, is a leadership and communication coach. She works with emerging leaders, technical experts and rising executives to help them strengthen their leadership, presence and communications so they can be influential in their organizations.
Gay-Lynn is a certified DiSC trainer and a certified trainer in EQi, a widely used emotional intelligence assessment. She offers a host of individual, leader and group assessments along with coaching to help professionals dive into the ripest opportunities to be more effective at engaging and leading others.
Gay-Lynn's approach to coaching is a culmination of 30 years developing all manner of written and spoken communications and helping leaders engage their employees in business goals. She has worked in the health care, financial services, legal services, and non-profit sectors.
Gay-Lynn was first accredited as a coach in 2008 and has earned a professional certified coach designation from the International Coach Federation (ICF), one of only 2000 in the United States. She is the president-elect of the ICF Virginia Chapter. She graduated from the Neuro-Leadership Institute’s Intensive Coaching Training Program, which uses neuro-scientific techniques to capitalize on the brain's ability to act on new thinking and insights. She has a Master of Science in communication management from Syracuse University and a Bachelor of Science in Cultural Anthropology and English from James Madison University.