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CT chapter: Making Transformational Change

  • 02/22/2019
  • 8:00 AM

Webinar 2/22 at 8am by CT chapter: Making Transformational Change

Please join us for a valuable webinar presented by Deborah Helsig, EdD, a national level presenter from the Immunity to Change team. The cost is $20 to attend

1 CEU will be awarded.

This event will NOT be recorded, you must attend live.

Go to the website to sign up: 

February 22, 2019 Webinar

Why is change so difficult, even when our clients are genuinely committed to it? What can we do to better support them to succeed in changing? The Immunity-to-Change model (as described in Immunity to Change, Harvard Business Press, 2009) is designed to enable individuals to identify assumptions they currently hold that are likely to interfere with their personal effectiveness. Participants in this session will gain a powerful picture, or “diagnostic,” of the systematic way they unintentionally work against the wanted behavior (this is what we call the “immunity to change”), and what they can do to disrupt that system.

International Coaching Federation

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