ICF Virginia Outreach Informational Session
May 6, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
You are invited to attend an informational session. The agenda items are as follows:
- Welcome!
- About ICF’s IGNITE program and it’s impact in communities our communities
- Opportunities Ahead! (So many ways to engage, whether you have a credential or not!)
- Potential Partners
- Next Steps & How we will stay connected
At anytime before or after the session should you be interested in becoming apart of our outreach commUNITY please send the following to Courtney McBath, Outreach Coordinator at courtney@courtneymcbath.com
1. Name and best contact info
2. Why they are interested?
3. What areas are you passionate about and/or what is your coaching niche(s)?
4. Level of ICF credentialing(Alexa and I will explain why that’s important
Zoom Information:
Time: May 6, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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